Thank you for being my first little baby boy. Thank you for making me a Mom...
Seven years ago on October 25th you made Daddy and I the happiest two people, two parents. I cant believe we were and are so lucky to have gotten you. I have learned so much from you Nash. You are so funny, always catching on to that joke leaving Daddy and I amazed that you "got it"! You are so on top of it. Getting ready for school, which you love, practically by yourself. Making sure your homework and everything is done. Your such a good boy. You are friendly and outgoing. Always saying Hi to friends when we are out and about. You know so many people here in Texas and they know you, that is for sure. I was so proud when I recently went to your parent teacher conference and your teacher referred to you as "the bucket filler" of the class. Always picking people up and making them feel good about themselves. Don't ever loose that buddy...
Mom and Dad and your sisters love you so so so much! Happy 7th Birthday to my Nash...
Making a number 7 haha
Took treats to his class
His teacher said all the kids had to wait until the birthday boy took the first bite before they could eat their treat. They are were dying for him to get it going...
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